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Gallery » Wave » Video » VOLCOM MOD-TECH 2010 IN BRAZIL!
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Da: SurfReport
Giovedì 15 Aprile 2010
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DescrizioneVOLCOM MOD-TECH 2010 IN BRAZIL! » VOLCOM MOD-TECH 2010 IN BRAZIL! 15/04/2010 ShareThis Brazil usually sounds crazy to party and weak for waves. Atlantic Island of Noronha stands as the country's exception to the rule. Landed on the island for a surf contest and a Mod-tech 2010 boardshorts photoshoot, Gony and Joan did not know what to expect. Well, the Party did not move much, but waves were definitely powerfull and fun considering their size. To top it all off, water temperatures and the color looked more like a Tahitian reef pass than a Rio do janeiro beach break. Over there things are pretty simple and options are clear: the only car you could rent is a buggy, there is one road, couple restaurants, and two main spots. At low tide we would go to "the dog beach" and any other tide to Cacimba, the beach with two stones popping out of the sea which create a nice wedge to launch airs. The boys really enjoyed the whole Brazialian experience and got the job done! Check it out.


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