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Gallery » Wave » Video » Surfing Road Trip Adventures
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Surfing Road Trip Adventures
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Da: SurfReport
Mercoledì 7 Gennaio 2009
Numero di visite: 4831
Numero di voti: 7
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DescrizioneSurfing Road Trip Adventures » Last episode was the day we painted the tent. After that we really needed to have a good surfing day. We woke up the next day early and checked the waves in front of the camp as the sun was coming out. The conditions were really clean and there was no cloud in the sky, which was a pretty big surprise because it’s been raining so much lately. It was so amazing what this trip has brought us. The whole beach was empty and we went out and surfed all day by ourselves, and when we were finally surfed out we came in and had the idea of making a campfire. The boys went to pick up some wood in the forest while we cooked dinner. We grabbed the guitars, Jen’s “hard-core”-dion, and made a nice big fire to keep ourselves warm on the beach.We jammed for a little while and then Millertime told us the craziest surfing stories that he knew, it was interesting… He’s a good storyteller. That was a really nice evening, and we decided to sleep on the beach under the moonlight… Sounds good, but the sand wasn’t that comfortable and we were all paranoid by all the bugs and the spiders just waiting for us to fall asleep to start eating us. The fire didn’t make the night either and we were pretty much frozen on the beach when we woke up. But that was a good experience and it was pretty cool to see the stars when we were falling asleep.--LeeAnn CurrenRead more about the Road Trip adventure: Jennifer Smith, Kassia Meador, Sally Fitzgibbons, Leanne Curren, Lyndsay Noyes, Candice O' Donnell and Coline MenardMusic:Artist: DriSong: Don’t WaitAlbum: Smoke Rings


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