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Gallery » Wave » Video » The Billabong Pro Tahiti readies for May launch date
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The Billabong Pro Tahiti readies for May launch date
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Da: SurfReport
Martedì 22 Aprile 2008
Numero di visite: 4002
Numero di voti: 5
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DescrizioneThe Billabong Pro Tahiti readies for May launch date » Surfersvillage Global Surf News, 28 March, 2008 : - - The Billabong Pro Tahiti, with prize money of USD $320,000, is the 3rd event on the association of Surfing Professionals World Tour (ASP). Tahiti is one of the world's best known surfing destinations - and in May, it plays host to the world's most exciting surfing event, the spectacular Billabong Pro Tahiti, presented by Air Tahiti Nui.The annual event is staged off the fishing village of Teahupoo on the south coast of the main island of Tahiti, where the world's elite surfers do battle each year with some of the largest waves on the planet. But it is the giant Teahupoo, a huge left hand breaking wave specific to Tahiti, which every serious surfer wants to conquer - or at the very least see - and from 08-18 May, the Bilabong Pro Tahiti makes this possible for the best of the best.What: Billabong Pro TahitiWhen: 08 - 18 may, 2008Where: Teahupoo, TahitiPrize money: USD $320,


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